Enochian chess app
Enochian chess app

enochian chess app

Chess with alternative units but classical types and mechanics.

enochian chess app

A hybrid of Assimilation Chess and Fusion Chess. Increase your material by assimilating your opponent's pieces. Game on 8 by 8 board with differenly moving pieces. Kriegspiel variant with unknown setups and special roles for knights and queen. When the king is lost, another piece becomes royal. The players take turns to relocate the king and the queen, thus enhancing opening ramification (with zrf). Personal shields protect pieces from one of the 8 directions. Board game playable with standard chess set, hard for computers. Uses same equipment as Chess, but designed to be difficult for computers. White and Black have different starting positions. Pieces are augmented on squares of their color. Uses Archbishops instead of Bishops and Chancellors instead of Knights. Pieces (except kings) can make teleport moves to any empty square on theīoard. The opponent must place your piece on the board. Pieces that moved repel and attract pieces like magnets. Pieces that moved must have a chain of `anti-magnetic interaction' Each player has both a King and an Anti-King to protect Anti-Kings are in check when not attacked. Pieces that moved repel pieces like magnets. A more anemic version of Chess that replaces riders with weaker short-range pieces. Pieces have combined `halfling' powers, going half the usual distance. A modest variant, similar to Refusal Chess. Incorporates some aspects of historical variants, but uses only usual equipment. A drop variant with one single external piece per player (many to choose from).

enochian chess app

Pieces promoted at one end of the board are promoted further at the other. Introducing the weak but interesting Alpaca, which hops one or two steps rookwise (with zrf). One queen has combined rook and knight moves. Variant of Thinktank Chess with Berolina Pawns. Things you must do with the king changes during the game: normal king transfors into ani-king and others. Pieces are captured by having them `checkmated'. Pieces must move as far as they can when moved. A flight of fancy into the alternate history of chess. A simplified, more chess-like version of Alapo 8x8. Pseudo-Fischer Random Chess with Ajax-Chessmen, and droping Ajax-Ministers. Orthodox Chess with Ajax-Chessmen, and droping Ajax-Ministers. International chess with Cannon pieces added. Pawns move in a similar fashion to the pieces they start in front of. Introducing the Adjutant that can slide like a queen, but on the same square colour only (with zrf). Modern Business Chess: win by capturing or indicting the opposing CEO (King), or bilking all of your Stockholders (Pawns). A drop variant with one or two external pieces per player (many to choose from). Pieces are represented by stacks of different heights. A variant with 8 armies of pieces generated by combining 1, 2 or 3 simpler pieces. After every move, there's a 1 in 18 chance of the rules switching to another in (Queen's Army chess, all 8 Back Rank Pieces different). The first attack does not immediately remove pieces from the board. You can tell opponent which pieces he can move. Uses 2 dices for each player and 2 checkers for each player, in addition to normal chess pieces. Each piece's movement capabilities is increased by ~4 squares. 10-directional pieces: an augmented Knight and a restricted Chancellor. Score as many points during 10 minutes of time with regular chessset. A variant where you also move your opponents pieces. The board used for this game has 8 row(s), 8 column(s), 64 cells/squares.

Enochian chess app